Organic Kitchen Gardening and my personal musings

This blog is about my experiments with Organic Kitchen Gardening and sometimes about other personal experiences of my life… Please leave a comment about anything that touched you. Comments help to keep the blogger motivated to keep blogging :)

Bhindi(Okra) Albana Red variety August 21, 2009

Filed under: Organic Farming and Kitchen Garden — rajapanda @ 6:46 am

Some time back I had got these Albana-Red Okra (bhindi) seeds from Dept of horticulture (DoH), hulimavu.

I also had got few local bhindi seeds bought from from our native, Puri, Orissa bought by my mom.

Both were sowed around same time (Don’t exactly remember the dates – I need to be more meticulous in noting them).

Now both the varities have started producing.

However, there is a huge difference in the size of produce between these two variety.

In fact the produce from Albana-Red variety almost looks surreal with their double the normal circumference and half the length of normal bhindi’s size we get in indian markets.

Check out the pics here: (Pen thrown in just to give a comparative measurement)

Okra Albana Red

Okra Albana Red

Okra Local Indian variety

Okra Local Indian variety

I feel the difference in size hasn’t come out that well in these pics because the local Indian variety pic is more of a close-up view than the Albana-Red variety. But believe me the Albana-Red is actually almost double the size of local Indian variety.

One problem with this unusual size of Red-Albana is, in deciding when they are ready for harvest. Bhindi is one vegetable which tests best when it’s young, once they grow old they don’t taste well.

Guess I will have to do some field tests (eating them raw when in the garden-field) to find out how they taste and when the harvest can happen.

Otherwise the fruit setting is good in my opninion. One plant ready to produce around 10 bhindi’s and I have roughly 10 plants in a patch of 2×4 sft.


6 Responses to “Bhindi(Okra) Albana Red variety”

  1. Annasamy R Says:

    Interesting to see the different size of bhindis of Albana Red variety. It looks more of a bud that is going to blossom into a big flow 🙂

    Interesting experiences you are having and thanks for sharing the same.

    • rajapanda Says:

      Hi Anna,

      Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment here. It surely helps boost my interest in sharing my experience.

      In the meanwhile I actually harvested the large okra shown in pic 1 above. Sadly it didn’t taste that good, it wasnt’ tender.

      Seeing this I harvested all other okra’s which you see in the 3rd pic. Hopefully they will be on my plate today evening (depends on home ministry ). Will surely post a blog with the pics of what I harvested.

  2. Sapna Says:

    Hi Raj,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. The question you had about the netting used for my bitter gourd plant is called plastic netting. It was available here in Walmart (in the US) and was cheap($9 for 3ftX50ft). I have seen people using chicken wire (similar to wire fences in India) for the same purpose. Infact you can erect 2 bamboo poles/sticks(sturdy ones) at about 3-4 ft apart and weave some twine to make your own trellis.

    You have a nice garden with beautiful plants. Wish my okra plants produced so many okras.
    All the best.

    • rajapanda Says:

      Hi Sapna,

      Thanks to you for visiting my blog and posting your reply here. Am planning to do something like what you suggested for my own trellis.
      I guess the Okra plant are doing well because of the climate here. I did a Okra harvest last week


  3. Hey good stuff…keep up the good work! I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,)

    A definite great read.. 🙂


    • rajapanda Says:

      Hi Bill,

      Sorry for the late reply. For some strange reason wordpress(Akismet) had put your comment under spam filter. Glad i checked it today.
      Thanks for your kind words.

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